Ep. 205 - How do You Overcome Fear & Build Courage?
The Leadership Launchpad Project interviews author Scott Simon. With a comfort zone-pushing approach and a commitment to driving meaningful change, Scott is on a mission to inspire a more courageous world.
Scott Simon is a happiness entrepreneur, author, and founder of the global courage-building movement “Scare Your Soul.” With a unique approach that blends neuroscience, positive psychology, and behavior design, Scott has inspired thousands worldwide to embrace small acts of courage as a catalyst for growth and success.
Scott is the author of “Scare Your Soul: 7 Powerful Principles to Harness Fear and Lead Your Most Courageous Life.” The book, published by Hachette, is also available as an Audible audiobook.
As a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, Scott has partnered with leading organizations such as the United Nations Global Compact, Vistage, Ritz Carlton, Lululemon, and Logitech to foster more courage in the workplace, and Scott has designed more than 500 free courage challenges for people everywhere.
Scott earned his BA from Skidmore College, MA from Case Western Reserve University, earned a certificate in Positive Psychology with Harvard professor Tal Ben Shahar, and a certificate in Behavior Design with BJ Fogg at the Stanford Behavior Design Lab.
With a comfort zone-pushing approach and a commitment to driving meaningful change, Scott is on a mission to inspire a more courageous world.
5 Stage Process of Choosing One Area of Bravery at Work
Glassdoor’s Fishbowl interviews author Scott Simon on a 5-stage process of choosing one area of bravery at work and moving to taking action on that goal immediately!
Pepper Pike author Scott Simon attracts worldwide audience with ‘Scare Your Soul’ movement
Pepper Pike author Scott Simon attracts worldwide audience with “Scare Your Soul” movement
Simply put, Simon is telling people to face their fears, then enjoy the feelings that follow of self-confidence and of truly living life.
Anyone who thinks Simon had a head start in the confidence game would be greatly mistaken.
Courage Over Comfort: Local Author Teaches Others to Live Fearlessly
Courage Over Comfort: Local Author Teaches Others to Live Fearlessly
Author, entrepreneur and founder of the “Scare Your Soul” movement, Scott Simon says he is a “hometown boy.” The Cleveland native and Case Western Reserve University alum found his niche inspiring individual and global change through small acts of everyday courage.
The Best Courage Book of All Time (And My Other Favorites)

Find your way to the smallest room in my home. You’ll have to navigate Juni, our 9-month-old mini Bernedoodle, who will want to tangle in your footsteps as you walk.
But you’ll find it. It is a tiny space, a converted closet.
It barely has room for one lamp and enough space for a laptop, a journal, and a pen.
But look upward, and you will see shelves rising all the way to the peaked roofline. Shelves FULL of books.
This is the place where I write at home. And this is where I keep my dozens and dozens of books on courage.
You may be curious, so I will list a number of them below, but if you fed to sodium pentothal and forced me to tell you which one was my favorite, that choice will be simple:
“Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers.
If ever there was a book whose title best describes its innards, this is the one. Jeffers, in simple, honest prose, details the greatest permission slip to courageous acts I have ever read. You will never, NEVER, she says, escape fear. You won’t conquer it, outgrow it, or evade it. It will want to stop you from doing things beyond your comfort zone. And you have but one job in life:
To feel the fear, and do it anyway.
I can quote Jeffers all day long. Or you can find some for yourself. But all you really need to know is contained in the title. The rest, as they say, is commentary.
Here are some of my other favorite books which give me courage.
Some may be familiar. Others may not. All of them are powerful.
Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte
Tiny, Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
Do Hard Things by Steve Magness
The Places that Scare You by Pema Chodron
Life is in the Transitions by Bruce Feiler
The Fear Cure by Lissa Rankin
Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday
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Fear Tells Us What We Have to Do
Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.
Steven Pressfield

I almost puked on Madison Avenue.
It is one hour before I have to arrive at the studios of Hachette Audio (one of the greatest audiobook companies in the world). It is my first day recording the audiobook version of the Scare Your Soul book. As I threaded the morning Midtown crowds on my way to get a tea, I could barely function.
I had fought hard to be able to do this.
I even had to send in an audition tape.
This is scary. And I want this.
If Daring Greatly and The Artist’s Way had a baby, the Scare Your Soul book might very well be its beloved infant. It is a mix of stories, science, writing prompts, and real-world challenges. And it is personal.
Like, VERY personal.
In it, I share:
- How I spent much of my childhood feeling unworthy, a shy kid bullied and lonely
- How the epiphany that I had on an airplane changed my life
- The death of my idol – my first cousin – and the impossible event that freed me from its grip
- The truth of how my first girlfriend cheated on me, and how I moved to forgiveness
- How a train-wreck of a first date led to one of the deepest relationships of my life
- How a near-disaster while giving a TEDx Talk led to a massive boost in confidence
- And so much more
The initial feedback I got from Hachette was hard to hear. They liked my tape but were concerned that I wouldn’t have the stamina to narrate for four days, six hours a day. I can’t blame them. And it would have been easy to just say OK.
Let someone else do it.
But I couldn’t. It seemed CRAZY that someone I didn’t know – no matter how velvety their voice was – would voice these personal moments. It seemed CRAZY that – no matter how scary the experience would be – that I wouldn’t give it everything I had.
So I pushed. I called. I lobbied.

And, now, here I am; sitting at a Starbucks, trying to steady my frayed nerves. Not to mention to try to avoid puking on Madison Avenue.
It immediately calls to mind something I read from the Farnum Street Blog:
“There is nothing that gets in the way of success more than avoidance. We avoid hard conversations. We avoid certain people. We avoid hard decisions … Sometimes we muster up half the courage. We have half the conversation we wanted to have. We do half the hard thing. We acknowledge the evidence but convince ourselves this time is different. We see the person we’re avoiding but don’t really talk to them. We start but don’t commit to the project.
And here’s the interesting thing. Half-efforts tend to make things worse, not better.”
I don’t want to lead a half-effort life.
And neither should you.
So, I ask:
- Where are you avoiding the hard thing right now?
- Where can you lobby and push to get what you want?
- What seems so hard and scary that your stomach can’t handle it, but you NEED to do it anyway?
As Anais Nin once said, “And the day came when the wish to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Push against fear.
Push hard.
It’s the indicator that you’re doing what you need to do.
The Virtues of Getting Lost: A Photo Gallery

“Getting lost along your path is a part of finding the path you are meant to be on.” - Robin Sharma
One night after dinner, my daughter surprised me by suggesting that we go for a drive.
“Where to?” I asked.
She shrugged. “Anywhere. Let’s just get lost.”
She was a high school senior at the time, my only child left at home… and, in many ways, a soulmate. We had always possessed an indescribable connection which I treasured. She is kind, quick, funny, and eclectic; a lover of vintage clothes, late-night baking, and horror movies. And I found myself already worrying about the hole my heart would experience when she left for college in a few months.
So, seizing on the opportunity, I left my phone on the kitchen counter and we hopped into the car.
We pulled out of the driveway and into the dusk. From that point on, I took one unplanned turn after another. Before long, we were in unfamiliar territory.
We paid close attention to our surroundings. Our senses became heightened. Without the usual touchstones of daily life, we opened up to one another. We talked. We sang along to her Spotify playlist. We ended up parking in an unknown spot and watched the sunset die into the horizon.
We loved the experience so much that getting lost on evening drives became our tradition.
With Tyler the Creator and Childish Gambino as our official musical co-pilots, we’d marvel at impossibly beautiful stretches of greenery as we sang and talked.
Getting lost had led us to discover parts of town – and ourselves – unknown to us before.

If you stand at the very base of 5th Avenue in New York City, right where it connects with Waverly Place, you look directly into Washington Square Park.
The park has played many roles over its tenure deep in the center of Greenwich Village: it has been a cemetery and a parade ground. A gathering spot for avant-garde artists, NYU students, and drug dealers. A battleground for chess players and a playground for dogs and kids.
For me, Washington Square Park marked the spot where my fascination for getting lost began.
Although I am an Ohioan by birth, New York runs through my veins. From the very first time I visited, its energy, grit, and majesty fulfilled something strange and powerful within me. I loved to take long walks, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells.
One day, after traversing the Park, circling its fountain, and crossing below its famous arch, I decided to take another long walk. But, this time, instead of remaining on 5th Avenue uptown towards Central Park, I created a game for myself. I began to cross the streets guided only by traffic lights.
As I approached an intersection, I would turn and walk in whichever direction the walk sign allowed. That meant following a new path, one that was left more to fate than reason.
It also meant that, after a couple of hours, I found myself in a place where I had never been before. That’s when I pulled out my beat-up Nikon from my backpack and recorded what I saw.
Those photos were proof of the beauty and power of getting lost that day. And I would get lost, camera in hand, starting at 5th Avenue and Waverly Place many, many times.

Have you ever been in a strange city, unfamiliar with the grid, and gotten lost? It could have all gone terribly wrong, but instead, you found the perfect view or a most hospitable café.
At the heart of many great adventures, the beauty is in getting lost. Embracing uncertainty takes courage, but its rewards are great. So, I ask you:
How often do you let fate guide your way?
How often do you let yourself give up a sense of control and open yourself up to surprise?
How often do you silence your internal GPS that always needs to know where and how you’re going?
And how often are you truly courageous enough to just get lost?
Note: all of the following photos were taken on one of my “getting lost” walks uptown from Washington Square Park.
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What I Learned from Sending 12,775 Gratitude Texts

There is a redemptive power in gratitude. And practicing with a full heart takes courage.
But, if you do, it can change your life.
It changed mine.
There’s a loud knock at the door.
It’s late on a Saturday night in 2015 … long before the days of sweating out Covid infection rates or disputed elections.
Not tonight. I’m sweating out something completely different.
A few days before, my phone had buzzed in my pocket, and I fished it out only to see this text: “Scott, my name is Carly. You don’t know me, but I really need to meet you. Please say yes. How about I meet you at your house this Saturday night at 10:00?”
And now, 72 hours of mind-numbing wonder later (what the hell could this be about?) there’s that knock at the door. 10:00 on the dot.
My bright red door swung open into the night.
Carly, it turns out, is beautiful. No, that is too small a word. Radiant. She’s got these big, curious eyes, long blonde hair twisted down her back, and tattoos trailing down her arms. She smiled, and I fell into it.
“I’m Carly. We need to talk.”
Over the next three hours, we talked nonstop. Carly bared the arcs of her life story: one of aching teenage addiction and near-suicide that led to affirming sobriety. One of empowered marriage and motherhood of three to a life of desperate unhappiness in her marriage and the struggle with the serious illness of one of her boys. She had sought me out because – on the surface – I seemed like the “happiness guy.” Like I might have a word or two of wisdom about divorce and a fulfilling life afterward.
I did have some words for her: About the sheer, goddamn beauty of a fresh start, the rocky but edifying path into co-parenting, the ability to see our kids as a compass, a Northstar, to clearly make our choices out of love rather than fear or hate. And I shared my own up-and-down story: my social awkwardness and anxieties, my constant middle-of-the-night fever dream that I had screwed up my kids, the worry that I would ever REALLY find someone who would love me for who I am.
The only time we stopped talking was when Morty – my black-and-tan French bulldog – sneaked on the couch and slipped his tongue between Carly’s toes. She erupted into laughter each time.
After hours of talking, we stretched and cracked our joints and made our way back to the front door. “Listen,” she said, “This upcoming week is going to be hell. I need something to look forward to. I loved what you said about a ‘gratitude’ practice. How about I send you five things I am grateful for each night for a week, and you do the same?”
“Sure. Why don’t we just text them to each other? You’ll get through the week. I promise.”
And that is what we did. Five gratitudes by text every night for that week. And then the next. And the next.
And we’ve been doing it ever since … for seven years.
12,775 gratitudes.
Carly is a soul-sister. And I have learned a lot from those 12,775 gratitudes.
So, what did they teach me?
Tom Wolfe once said, “Everybody, everybody everywhere, has his own movie going, his own scenario, and everybody is acting his movie out like mad, only most people don’t know that is what they’re trapped by, their little script.”
Gratitude forces us to open our view. To take the spotlight off of ourselves for a minute. To truly see and appreciate.
It forces us to admit that we don’t have control. That so much of the goodness in our lives is due to other people. That we are leading an exalted existence and that our petty complaints are short-sighted. Gratitude illuminates what is important to us, and sometimes uncovers the realization that we haven’t exactly been thankful to others the way we could be. Gratitude scales down our ego, sometimes making us feel small, but revealing the goodness and interconnection that exists between us all.
In my Scare Your Soul book, I wrote a chapter about the real power of true gratitude, and why it takes such courage to embrace it as a practice. Here is an excerpt:
If you practice real, true, authentic, vulnerable gratitude, it shines a light deep into your soul. By choosing my nightly practice with Carly, I am showing both her and me what is important to me, what lights me up, and what challenges are turning into opportunities. I share it all unabashedly. And in doing so, I’ve had some revelations:
When I practice authentic gratitude, I am happier and more present. I still have days full of frustration, and yes, I still can take things for granted, but on the whole, I find myself appreciating life more.
Gratitude flips your conceptions. It asks you to find some amount of value in people and experiences that you didn’t like, agree with, or want as a part of your life. How hard is it for you to feel gratitude toward your relatives with polar opposite political views? Gratitude leads us to a place of more compassion and understanding.
Gratitudes don’t always have to be positive. Feeling grateful for acknowledging and surviving a challenging time is immensely powerful. In fact, as Carly and I have progressed, more than half of our gratitudes are about the challenges that we face; we know now that they, indeed, will be the times that will teach us, fuel us, and make us more empathetic humans. You have to choose it: As we discussed previously, there are important steps in fully experiencing gratitude, and they are not always evident in the rush of our busy days.
Not practicing gratitude is like having a Ferrari (feel free to substitute your own dream car here) fully gassed in your garage but never actually taking it for a spin.
Here are a few tips I learned for courageously being more grateful in your life:
- Be actively aware: Take time and slow down. We must be awake and aware in our own lives to identify the goodness around us. Make space for seeing the interactions with others and what they mean at the moment, the gifts that nature, spirituality, and community give to you.
- Feel the feeling: Identity what brings goodness into our lives, and then pay attention again. This time, tune into what swells within you. How do you feel at the moment? And where in your body or heart does that feeling sustain itself?
- Begin to savor: Really become aware of the experience of your gratitude, and treat it like the first, slow bite of your favorite dessert.
- And, in the end, thank and thank again: Most gratitude practices fail to include this final step. Reach out and thank from your heart. It creates ripples throughout the world. When we thank someone for bringing goodness into our world, we create a ripple effect. Our gratitude expands the world’s heartbeat…
Want to start practicing courageous gratitude in your life right now? Try our gratitude challenge!
It’s free and will kick off a brave grateful experience.
In the meantime, be grateful for who you are and what you have. You’re a masterpiece. And you didn’t do it alone.
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The Top 20 Courage Quotes of All Time (and 5 You’ve Never Seen Before)
[Scroll down if you’d like to skip the compelling story about why our favorite quotes are some of the most important possessions we will ever have in our lives]

Last year was the year of the humble brag and the inevitable downfall...
From as early as I can remember, I was dreaming up stories. Part of it was to escape a childhood where I felt muzzled by shyness and low self-worth, but I truly loved how words – like perfectly interlocking puzzle pieces – fit together in such a way that it created a reaction deep inside someone other than me. For decades, I wrote: mainly for others, in speeches and dedications, and in countless blog posts and Instagram captions.
Then, last year, after decades of writing in obscurity, an incredibly surprising book deal with a “Big Five” publisher came my way.
While the contract was being negotiated by my new, impressive New York City literary agent, I fantasized about the days ahead. I could see myself all writer-ly, decked out in jeans with ripped knees and Birkenstocks, sitting with an espresso at a cafe table in the sunshine, pouring my ample wisdom into my MacBook.
When the ink on the contract was dry, I humble-bragged about the opportunity to family and friends.
First came the inevitable high fives and the hugs. The go-get-em-tiger emails. The positive support was palpable.
But my few author friends responded to the news … well … somewhat differently.
I kept on receiving this all-knowing glance reminiscent of when – with two boisterous kids under the age of two at home – I would get a visit from a friend to proclaim that they were pregnant for the first time. Their fresh-faced naiveté was so cute and endearing. And they had NO IDEA what they were about to get themselves into. Yes, my author friends of all stripes – fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, reverse-harem-romance-fiction – all gave me that same look. Then they shared their secret, second lives.
While others were busy watching Netflix, they were sitting in terror at their desks, sweating as they contemplated that blank page that somehow magically re-appeared every single morning.
And, my friend, that is EXACTLY what happened to me.
Each morning at 5:30, I would glance in hatred at my phone alarm. I’d trudge downstairs in the dark and squeeze into my designated writer’s office no larger than a coat closet. Actually, it used to be a coat closet. And there I would sit, not knowing what the hell to do.
My confidence sank.
And then I had an idea. I would make the coat closet office into an inspiration zone.
I salvaged the tiny round lamp I had bought on clearance from Target. I populated the closet’s thick wooden shelves with my beloved, multi-hued courage books from my collection. And, most importantly, I printed out sheet after sheet of courage quotes. I scotch-taped them to the walls.
And there I would sit each morning. Yes, in terror. But with each passing day, I would look at one of the quotes and, inspired, begin to write.
Really great quotes are works of art.
I know what you’re thinking. Hear me out here.
How many books were published last year, do you think?
The latest estimate of books published worldwide is about 2,000,000. With an average of 273 pages per book, hundreds of thousands of authors brought a whopping 546,000,000 pages full of freshly-written text into the world just last year.
Why is it that, every once in a while, of all that immense amount of ideas, one sentence sticks?
The quotes that are economical yet expansive. Like cities buried inside a raindrop. Like a salve, we squeeze out onto our sometimes dry and cracked lives. They somehow rise above the millions of pages of text to enter the lexicon of our lives.
The very best of them deserve key places in our hearts and minds. They are Bottecelis.
In my year that began with the humble brag and tumbled into the abyss, there were countless quotes that I relied on … that gave me the inspiration I needed. I hope that they help you.
Here are my Top 20:
My Top 20
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. - Anais Nin
I have been absolutely TERRIFIED every moment of my life -- and I've never let it keep me from a single thing I wanted to do. - Georgia O'Keefe
Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure. - Rainer Maria Rilke
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this ... I can take the next thing that comes along.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. - August Wilson
Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember one rule of thumb: the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it. - Steven Pressfield
I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that I why I succeed. - Michael Jordan
One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. - Maya Angelou
We must let go of the life we've planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell
The terrorists thought they would change our aims and stop our ambitions, but nothing changed in my life but this: weakness, fear, and hopelessness died; strength, power and courage were born. - Malala Yousafzi
If we did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. - Thomas A. Edison
At the root of most fear is what other people will think of us. - Ryan Holiday
The secret is to leap widely and strangely over the deep, not knowing what's down there, but pretty certain in some small crevice there must be a small purple flower. - Dick Allen
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. - Steve Jobs
The only way that you'll actually wake up and have some freedom is if you have the capacity and courage to stay with vulnerability and discomfort. - Tara Brach
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. - Dale Carnegie
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions. - Hafiz
When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. - Paulo Coehlo
And Five You May Have Never Heard Before
So write.… Not like a girl. Not like a boy. Write like a motherf*cker - Cheryl Strayed
You don’t need a better computer to become a writer. You don’t need a better guitar to become a musician. You don’t need a better camera to become a photographer. What you need is to get to work. - James Clear
If we must have milestones—mine will be measured by how much joy I have collected at the end of each day and how often in this life I have truly, deeply, opened. - Janne Robinson
I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass. - Shonda Rimes
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. - Suzy Kassem
And One More, Just Because
Lift up your hearts. Each new hour holds new chances. For new beginnings. - Maya Angelou
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About the Author
Lisa's Scare Your Soul Story
Hi, I’m Lisa.
I’ve always wanted to start my own business. I just didn’t know what kind of business it would be. Until I landed my role as WeWork’s second employee in February 2010.
At the end of the first year, after opening WeWork’s first two locations in NYC, the company gave out employment agreements which included an 18-month noncompete. I was the only one of 25 employees not willing to sign it. I had been honing my skills alongside Founders Adam Neumann and Miguel McKelvey, working tirelessly, wearing several hats, and yet I knew that ultimately I would never have final say in how things were done.
The prospect of leaving was gut wrenching. I loved what we were creating and I could see the tremendous (and global) potential of Adam’s vision for the business from the start. He always said WeWork would become the next Google, from a valuation perspective, and leaving meant giving up the possibility of becoming a millionaire.
I thought of my dad, Henry “Hank” Skokowski. He was a prominent Urban Planner in South Florida who unexpectedly died on Valentine’s Day 2004, while touring Australia and New Zealand on a motorcycle as part of a two month soul-searching trip. Losing him suddenly taught me that life is short and can be taken from us at any moment. Who I want to be in the world is someone who seizes opportunities and takes great risks where there can be great rewards. In my heart I knew that if I didn’t leave, I would always be left with the question of “what if”.
After weeks of thoughtful conversations with both Adam and Miguel, I mustered the courage to give my three weeks notice and I left — knowing that one day I could be very happy opening 2-3 locations of my own. Given the professional network I had been fostering in Manhattan BNI [Business Network International] for years, my intuition told me I could actually make it happen.
In January 2015, Adam reached out to me on text asking to meet. At the time, WeWork was valued at $12B.
A week later, sitting in his palatial corner office at 222 Broadway in Manhattan’s Financial District, Adam shared that he felt “something was missing”. He wanted to have me take on one of their buildings to “hire, fire, and train” … whatever I needed to do to “create a feeling of connection and community” that we had when I was with them in the beginning.
At that moment, the intuitive voice in my head screamed ‘if he thinks you can create something that is missing in his $12B company, it is time to launch your own business’.
I thanked him for the opportunity and said I would think about it [and be in touch].
I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as I immediately walked out onto Broadway and called the person who would become Primary’s seed investor. I said, “I am ready to start my own company”. He said, “Great. I am ready to invest.”
Six months later, I secured an operating agreement with his commitment to invest $6mm in my new business. Less than one year later, we opened the doors of Primary’s flagship location at 26 Broadway facing the famous Charging Bull Statue in Lower Manhattan.
As they say, leap and the net will appear. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
– Lisa Skye