2022 changed the course of my life. It scared my soul beyond all stretches of my imagination.
In the early morning hours of January 7th, 2022 I watched my husband take his last breaths. I didn’t know what was happening. I thought he was being funny, but he wasn’t. He was having a heart attack. Before that we were deeply in love, happily married, owned a business together and were making plans for the future. I had just done a TEDx talk, we had hired our first employees and were making plans to buy a home.
This has been the ultimate opportunity to reinvent myself. To turn out all the unintentional and negative programming that has kept me small, dimmed my light or thrown me off center. I’m filling myself with the things that get to be here, the things that make me feel powerful, capable and aligned. It’s soul scaring, and I’m doing it. As a result my daughter and I are thriving, my consulting business is taking off and I’m planning a trip to Australia with my daughter.
More than anything my husband wanted me to love myself; to truly see my light and live unafraid of my shadow. I couldn’t access that before, but I can now.
Somehow, I’m finally complete.
I am me: a world traveler, lifelong learner and single parent. I am a thought leader that works to shift paradigms and bring neurodiversity awareness to schools and corporations.
It took the love of my life dying to realize that I am enough. I am everything I ever needed. And so are you. We all are.
You can follow my blog on CynthiaCoupe.com and view my TEDx talk here: https://youtu.be/WprLOcEyh6M