“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence.”
— Deepak Chopra
Energy is the foundation of our lives.
From the largest galaxy down to the smallest increment of matter, energy is at the heart of our outside world. And our inside world, too.
When all know how it feels when we are depleted, burnt-out, or apathetic. We find ourselves in a downward spiral, feeling down, tired, and depressed. But when we courageously take action towards boosting our energy, we reverse the cycle. Just a few powerful steps can halt the downward slide and start our movement toward the positive.
Your special Scare Your Soul Energy challenge is designed to focus on mind, body and spirit.
The only key is DOING IT.
Your SYS Energy Challenge is…
Your challenge is to create one day that is all about powering your own engine. Take time to pick a day when you can really commit to this. The goal is to do it all in one day!
Before you begin… We encourage you to print out this challenge’s worksheet so that you can write down your thoughts as you go.

Wake up EARLY
Get up before the sun rises. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. And then just sit. Watch the sunrise and just BE in the moment! And as the sun rises, consider the following question: What could I do today that would make me feel 10% more energized?
Take a long, cleansing breath and write out anything that comes up. Now, for the next 10 minutes, your only goal is to pay attention to your breath. In and out, through your nose … into your lungs … and then back out your nose. When your mind wanders (which it will – many, many times), just kindly bring your focus back to your deep and even breath.When your 10 minutes is up, open your eyes. Smile. You just gave yourself a great gift … the nurturing experience of focused mindfulness. Take a few minutes to reflect and write on this question: What could I accomplish today if my mind was 10% more calm and focused?
Shock the system
Now it is time for the next “scary” experience. A cold shower. Exposure to cold water invigorates us, wakes us up, and gives us energy and enthusiasm. So, take a normal warm or hot shower and, for the last 30 seconds, turn the water all the way to the coldest setting. Feel free to jump or holler. We do. But love it. Drink in the experience. When you are done, towel off and take a few minutes to reflect on this question: What kind of creative ideas could I have today if I felt 10% more “awake”?
Feed your body
For the day, focus on choosing foods that are healthy and change your routine. Eat vegan or plant-based for the day if that pushes a comfort zone for you. Give up at least one “vice.” Maybe it’s alcohol. Or sugar. But commit for this day to courageously say no to it.
When you do eat your healthy food today and tonight. take your time. Really focus on the taste. The positivity of eating something good for you. The gratitude that you have ability to control your own energy. Take a few minutes to reflect and write on this question: How would I feel if my diet was 10% healthier?
Pick a boundary-pushing movement practice
This one is tough. We want you to choose a new physical practice that you know you will SUCK AT. Yes, that’s right. No matter what your range of motion is, or your level of daily exercise, find time today to try a new way of moving your body.
Trying something new will push you in healthy ways, open new neural pathways, and teach you that it is exhilarating to try new things. When you are done, ask yourself the following: What would my life look like if I moved my body 10% more than I already do?
A quick note: If you liked this challenge, the new Scare Your Soul book has an entire chapter on how to supercharge your energy through brave acts. It features inspiring stories, the science behind boosting the energy in our bodies, more in-depth writing prompts and an entire week of energy challenges.
If you are interested in sharing your experience, e-mail us at
But the prime beneficiary of the challenge is YOU. What did you get out of this experience? What buttons did it push that was challenging? Did it spur you on to do another one?

Ready to take it up a notch?
If you are ready, we encourage you to do a week of Scaring Your Soul.
For the next seven days, “do one thing that scares you.” That means one thing every day where you intentionally push a comfort zone. Your act can be tiny. Baby steps. But at least once every day, take action.
- Call one person you are avoiding
- Do something that ramps up your sense of spirituality, or take 15 minutes to meditate
- Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages
- Try a brand new physical practice, or move your body in a new and challenging way
- Eat vegan or plant-based for a day, or commit to being sober when you would normally drink
- Have an honest conversation with someone you care about
Whatever it is for YOU. But they key: DO IT.

Ready to take it up a notch?
If you are ready, we encourage you to do a week of Scaring Your Soul.
For the next seven days, “do one thing that scares you.” That means one thing every day where you intentionally push a comfort zone. Your act can be tiny. Baby steps. But at least once every day, take action.
- Call one person you are avoiding
- Do something that ramps up your sense of spirituality, or take 15 minutes to meditate
- Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages
- Try a brand new physical practice, or move your body in a new and challenging way
- Eat vegan or plant-based for a day, or commit to being sober when you would normally drink
- Have an honest conversation with someone you care about
Whatever it is for YOU. But they key: DO IT.
Moving Forward - A Message From Scott Simon
Hello dear friend!
I want to offer my personal congratulations on starting your own Scare Your Soul journey. We all – no matter our background – have the human right to live the best life. One full of love, connection, joy. And, in my view, the key that unlocks that life is one word: courage.
I am so proud that Scare Your Soul offers free weekly challenges that will push you in all kinds of powerful ways. But – in reality – you don’t need our challenges to lead your boldest life. You just need to continue to tackle the small-but-brave acts that are meaningful to YOU.
Try this: In your mind, fast forward to one one year from today. What would your life look and be like if you chose to do one thing every day that scared you?
- What kind of new experiences will you have?
- What kind of real, vulnerable interactions will you have with loved ones?
- What ideas will you have that you will courageously share with others?
- What growth will you have in your work or communal life?
- What kind of role-modeling will you do for kids, grand-kids, or family members?
When we all adopt a Scare Your Soul attitude, we open doors to our lives. We often don’t know what will be on the other side. And that is delicious. To me, that is what life is all about.
So, starting TODAY, don’t let those petty, self-generated fears stop you. You have every right to an audacious, amazing life. The one you were destined to lead.
Best wishes on your journey ahead. Sending you lots of courage.