“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.”
— Elie Wiesel
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). In some ways, gratitude encompasses all of these meanings.
Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what we have received, whether tangible or intangible. And, in our view, it is one of the most powerful forces in the world.
When we feel grateful, our entire outlook on life changes. We stop becoming the center of our own universe. We feel magnanimous, giving, thankful, open-hearted. We give to others in service more, and, of course, we acknowledge that others play a key role in making our lives better.
And, yes, it takes COURAGE to be grateful. And to thank others. It takes being present. It takes slowing down and appreciating. And, when we express our gratitude to others, it takes bravery to say the words that we often do not say.
This special Scare Your Soul challenge is all in all: it encourages reflection and then action.
Your SYS Gratitude Challenge is…
Your challenge is to write a heartfelt letter to someone you care about.
The letter is a special one.
Think about someone in your life who has really made an impact on you. A parent, a mentor, a wonderful friend. Choose someone who - just maybe - you haven’t always expressed your gratitude towards.
Before you begin… We encourage you to print out this challenge’s worksheet so that you can write down your thoughts as you go.

To get the juices flowing, consider this: what are three things this person does (or has done) that makes you feel extra grateful?
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- _______________________________________________________
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Fantastic. Now, on real paper, write a letter to them. Try to be as honest and open about how you feel about them. Express why you are so grateful. Ex[plain why you care about them so much. And, somewhere in the letter, just simply say “thank you.”
Now, here is where the magic happens. Find time to sit with the person face to face and read the letter out loud to them.
Our experience is that this challenge is beyond powerful. For some this might feel easy; for others it stirs up some healthy anxiety. As with all Scare Your Soul challenges, the key is simple: JUST DO IT.
After you do, take some time to express how the overall experience affected you. Do you feel more grateful and courageous?
A quick note: If you liked this challenge, the new Scare Your Soul book has an entire chapter on how to practice gratitude. It features inspiring stories, the science behind how we feel grateful and its benefits, more in-depth writing prompts and deep work on how you can be more grateful and courageous each day.
If you are interested in sharing your experience, e-mail us at
But the prime beneficiary of the challenge is YOU. What did you get out of this experience? What buttons did it push that was challenging? Did it spur you on to do another one?

Ready to take it up a notch?
If you are ready, we encourage you to do a week of Scaring Your Soul.
For the next seven days, “do one thing that scares you.” That means one thing every day where you intentionally push a comfort zone. Your act can be tiny. Baby steps. But at least once every day, take action.
- Call one person you are avoiding
- Do something that ramps up your sense of spirituality, or take 15 minutes to meditate
- Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages
- Try a brand new physical practice, or move your body in a new and challenging way
- Eat vegan or plant-based for a day, or commit to being sober when you would normally drink
- Have an honest conversation with someone you care about
Whatever it is for YOU. But they key: DO IT.

Ready to take it up a notch?
If you are ready, we encourage you to do a week of Scaring Your Soul.
For the next seven days, “do one thing that scares you.” That means one thing every day where you intentionally push a comfort zone. Your act can be tiny. Baby steps. But at least once every day, take action.
- Call one person you are avoiding
- Do something that ramps up your sense of spirituality, or take 15 minutes to meditate
- Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages
- Try a brand new physical practice, or move your body in a new and challenging way
- Eat vegan or plant-based for a day, or commit to being sober when you would normally drink
- Have an honest conversation with someone you care about
Whatever it is for YOU. But they key: DO IT.
Moving Forward - A Message From Scott Simon
Hello dear friend!
I want to offer my personal congratulations on starting your own Scare Your Soul journey. We all – no matter our background – have the human right to live the best life. One full of love, connection, joy. And, in my view, the key that unlocks that life is one word: courage.
I am so proud that Scare Your Soul offers free weekly challenges that will push you in all kinds of powerful ways. But – in reality – you don’t need our challenges to lead your boldest life. You just need to continue to tackle the small-but-brave acts that are meaningful to YOU.
Try this: In your mind, fast forward to one one year from today. What would your life look and be like if you chose to do one thing every day that scared you?
- What kind of new experiences will you have?
- What kind of real, vulnerable interactions will you have with loved ones?
- What ideas will you have that you will courageously share with others?
- What growth will you have in your work or communal life?
- What kind of role-modeling will you do for kids, grand-kids, or family members?
When we all adopt a Scare Your Soul attitude, we open doors to our lives. We often don’t know what will be on the other side. And that is delicious. To me, that is what life is all about.
So, starting TODAY, don’t let those petty, self-generated fears stop you. You have every right to an audacious, amazing life. The one you were destined to lead.
Best wishes on your journey ahead. Sending you lots of courage.