Leah Willis, founder of Hueman Alternatives, offers workshops and mentoring encouraging empowerment, resilience and healing through ancestral practices.
She is a wise woman and matriarch sowing the seeds for a new epoch through her intuitive connection to plant spirits, the wisdom and guidance of nature and her ancestral lineage. Leah is a student and teacher of ancestral life ways, certified Shamanic Ecotherapy Guide through an apprenticeship with Elizabeth Meacham, PhD., a 200 hour registered yoga instructor through the Dawn M. Rivers School of Yoga, and a certified permaculture designer through Bret Joseph, president and director for Resilient Health Network, Inc. and director at Center for Ecological Culture, Inc. She has completed survival training, wilderness first aid and is an avid forager of mushrooms and wild edible and medicinal plants.
In June of 2019, Leah participated in a 6 day survival skills training. Of the 4 participants, she was the only person of color and the only woman. She was also the only one who stayed the entire 6 nights in the woods, built a shelter and slept on the ground. Leah learned to build a fire without matches, carve traps, navigate in the woods, filet a fish and survive with a knife, cordage, flint and steel. It was scary and empowering. Because of that experience, Leah became a certified yoga instructor, created Hueman Alternatives and became a shamanic ecotherapist. One act of bravery led to a new and exciting life and career.