
What Decision Are You Not Making? Yes, That One: Six Weeks of Getting Down to Courage Basics - Week #2

nudge"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows." - Native American Proverb

It's week number two of our six weeks of getting down to the basics of courage, are you ready for a little adventure in self-discovery?

This week, I want to tell you all about my friend Stephanie. For 7 years she climbed her way up the corporate ladder, had a corner cube, a 401(k), and a clear path to become director. She was doing well, but the nudges started.

She followed stories of peers who went freelance, caught herself thinking "if this were my own agency, I'd do things differently", she listened as others shared stories of entrepreneurship but continued to push those feelings aside.......she had after all just signed a lease on a new apartment.

Read this weeks article "What Decision are You Not Making? Yes, That One." and find out where the final nudge came for Stephanie.

It was completely unexpected, but 2 years later Stephanie wonders why she waited so long to act on those persistent nudges.

My friend, life often whispers before it shouts.

So this week, I ask the question: What decision are you not making? Yes, that one.

Week #2 Identify One Nudge You've Been Ignoring

What whisper have you been ignoring?

What nudge have you been pushing aside?

It could be big or small.

It might be related to your career, like Stephanie. Or it could be about your health, a relationship, or a long-held dream. Whatever it is, I invite you to pause and listen.

Really listen!

Honor your nudges, in this week's Scare Your Soul newsletter and weekly challenge, we explore three steps to honour nudges, they might just be leading you towards your most courageous, fulfilling life.

Want courage challenges sent straight to your inbox every week? Click here to sign up for the Scare Your Soul newsletter!

The Power of Micro-Bravery: Six Weeks of Getting Down to Courage Basics - Week #1

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

Our mission at Scare Your Soul, has always been about inspiring you to push your boundaries and live a more courageous life.

Over the next six weeks, we'll be diving deep into practical strategies for cultivating courage in your daily life.

These concepts stem from years of research, personal experiences, and the collective wisdom of our community.

We're kicking off our series with a concept that might surprise you: when it comes to building courage, smaller is often better.

That's right – we're talking about the power of micro-bravery.

Week #1 Focus: Start Easy... and Embrace the Power of Micro-Bravery

Micro-bravery refers to small, daily acts of courage that push us slightly out of our comfort zones.

The beauty of micro-bravery lies in its accessibility. You don't need to quit your job, move to a new country, or make a life-altering decision to practice courage.

You can start right where you are, with what you have.

Whether you're looking to make a big change or simply want to inject a little more bravery into your routine, in this week's Scare Your Soul newsletter, we explore how small acts of micro-bravery have the power to build confidence, resilience and personal growth.

I'll break down this simple but accessible way to find daily acts of courage and challenge you to take one small micro-brave action in this week's Scare Your Soul Challenge, are you ready to take the challenge?

Want courage challenges sent straight to your inbox every week? Click here to sign up for the Scare Your Soul newsletter!

A New Way of Thinking That Might Just Change Your Life

Are you in the GAP? Or are you in the GAIN?

For years, I found myself stuck in this Gap.

No matter how far I'd come from that shy kid eating lunch alone in the bathroom stall, I always felt I should be braver, more successful, more... everything.

It wasn't until I discovered the concept of "The Gap and The Gain" that I realized I was measuring my progress all wrong.

Perhaps you've been here to?

Maybe you've just given a presentation to your company - a career milestone you've been working towards for years.

Instead of basking in your achievement, you're nitpicking your performance. "I stumbled over that one slide. A real leader would have been smoother.”

Or perhaps you've finally finished that non-fiction book that's been sitting on your nightstand for months.

Instead of feeling proud, you're thinking, "It took me way too long. A truly intellectual person would have breezed through it."

Sound familiar?

If so, you're not alone.

In this week's Scare Your Soul newsletter, we explore and breakdown what Dan Sullivan calls "The Gap" that sneaky space between our achievements and our ideals where happiness goes to die.

I'll break down this simple but powerful concept and show you how you too can Measure Your "Gains" in this weeks Scare Your Soul Challenge, are you ready to take the challenge?

Want courage challenges sent straight to your inbox every week? Click here to sign up for the Scare Your Soul newsletter!

honor friendships

From Panic to Power

honor friendships

Unlock Your Courage Potential with This One Vital Relationship

So, I was standing in the wings of the massive Cleveland Museum of Art auditorium, heart pounding like a jackhammer, palms so sweaty I could probably water a small garden.

In just moments, I'm supposed to step out onto that TEDx stage and deliver the talk of my life.

My business partner Jen and I had spent weeks preparing. I think we had 14 different scripts going until we decided on one.

We had a couple dozen slides that would project behind us as we talked.

And we would shock the hell out of everyone by hosting a surprise rave in the middle of our talk.

We had even stashed glow-sticks under everyone’s seats.

My dear friend and mentor, Maria Sirois, flew to Cleveland from Boston on her own dime to guide Jen and me on giving the talk.

We rehearsed so many times with Maria that I begged to stop.

But we did it again … and again …

Until I could give the talk in my sleep.

And then, suddenly, it was time to walk out of the dark wings and onto the stage.

Confident, I strode out and began my talk.

Everything felt pitch perfect.

And then it hit me like a freight train - I'd forgotten the clicker for my slides backstage.

In this week's Scare Your Soul newsletter, I share how my mind dear friend Maria was my life preserver when I had forgotten the clicker for my slides backstage during my TEDx talk (Watch my Talk here).

We all need a Maria in our lives.

That one person who believes in us unconditionally, who pushes us to be braver than we think we can be, who's there in our moments of triumph and panic alike.

And science backs this up.

Studies show that having even one close, supportive relationship can significantly boost our resilience, mental health, and overall well-being.

Studies show that having even one close, supportive relationship can boost our resilience by up to 50%.

These "forever friends" act as a buffer against life's stresses and can even help us live longer, healthier lives.

This weeks Scare Your Soul Challenge: Honor Your Forever Friendship, asks you to reach out to your forever friend.

Take the Challenge!

Want courage challenges sent straight to your inbox every week? Click here to sign up for the Scare Your Soul newsletter!