nudge“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.” – Native American Proverb

It’s week number two of our six weeks of getting down to the basics of courage, are you ready for a little adventure in self-discovery?

This week, I want to tell you all about my friend Stephanie. For 7 years she climbed her way up the corporate ladder, had a corner cube, a 401(k), and a clear path to become director. She was doing well, but the nudges started.

She followed stories of peers who went freelance, caught herself thinking “if this were my own agency, I’d do things differently”, she listened as others shared stories of entrepreneurship but continued to push those feelings aside…….she had after all just signed a lease on a new apartment.

Read this weeks article “What Decision are You Not Making? Yes, That One.” and find out where the final nudge came for Stephanie.

It was completely unexpected, but 2 years later Stephanie wonders why she waited so long to act on those persistent nudges.

My friend, life often whispers before it shouts.

So this week, I ask the question: What decision are you not making? Yes, that one.

Week #2 Identify One Nudge You’ve Been Ignoring

What whisper have you been ignoring?

What nudge have you been pushing aside?

It could be big or small.

It might be related to your career, like Stephanie. Or it could be about your health, a relationship, or a long-held dream. Whatever it is, I invite you to pause and listen.

Really listen!

Honor your nudges, in this week’s Scare Your Soul newsletter and weekly challenge, we explore three steps to honour nudges, they might just be leading you towards your most courageous, fulfilling life.

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