honor friendships

Unlock Your Courage Potential with This One Vital Relationship

So, I was standing in the wings of the massive Cleveland Museum of Art auditorium, heart pounding like a jackhammer, palms so sweaty I could probably water a small garden.

In just moments, I’m supposed to step out onto that TEDx stage and deliver the talk of my life.

My business partner Jen and I had spent weeks preparing. I think we had 14 different scripts going until we decided on one.

We had a couple dozen slides that would project behind us as we talked.

And we would shock the hell out of everyone by hosting a surprise rave in the middle of our talk.

We had even stashed glow-sticks under everyone’s seats.

My dear friend and mentor, Maria Sirois, flew to Cleveland from Boston on her own dime to guide Jen and me on giving the talk.

We rehearsed so many times with Maria that I begged to stop.

But we did it again … and again …

Until I could give the talk in my sleep.

And then, suddenly, it was time to walk out of the dark wings and onto the stage.

Confident, I strode out and began my talk.

Everything felt pitch perfect.

And then it hit me like a freight train – I’d forgotten the clicker for my slides backstage.

In this week’s Scare Your Soul newsletter, I share how my mind dear friend Maria was my life preserver when I had forgotten the clicker for my slides backstage during my TEDx talk (Watch my Talk here).

We all need a Maria in our lives.

That one person who believes in us unconditionally, who pushes us to be braver than we think we can be, who’s there in our moments of triumph and panic alike.

And science backs this up.

Studies show that having even one close, supportive relationship can significantly boost our resilience, mental health, and overall well-being.

Studies show that having even one close, supportive relationship can boost our resilience by up to 50%.

These “forever friends” act as a buffer against life’s stresses and can even help us live longer, healthier lives.

This weeks Scare Your Soul Challenge: Honor Your Forever Friendship, asks you to reach out to your forever friend.

Take the Challenge!

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